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B2B User Persona Research

  • Overview

    B2B user persona research is market research conducted by B2B companies on the people who actually use their products and services. In other words, the research focuses on the people who will actually use the product or service, as opposed to the B2B company buying the product or service.
    The subjects of the research will vary depending on the tasks and roles of the people who use the product or service, such as business personnel, technicians, managers, and managers.
    For example, for engineers who use the product, in-depth research on technical aspects will be conducted; for managers who use the product, research on the business value and ROI of the product will be conducted.
    User persona research aims to understand the needs and challenges of the people who actually use a product or service, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and points of improvement of the product or service.

  • Target country

    Japan, U.S.A., India, Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, etc.), ASEAN (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.), Australia, Middle East, African countries, China, Taiwan, South America, Bangladesh

  • What we can solve

    1) We wish to hear various opinions from the people in charge of operations, engineers, managers, and persons who are actually using our products and services.

    2) We aim to understand the needs and challenges of persons who actually use our products and services, advantages, disadvantages, and points for improvement of our products and services.

    3) We aim to hear opinions about the use of our products and other companies' products, and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our products.

  • Interview method and target peereson of interview

    Research methodology:
    Interview, telephone, remote


    ・Corporate decision makers, purchasing managers, or employees involved in purchasing decisions, and others in charge of purchasing products and services.

    ・Executive, purchasing decision makers, and purchasing managers.

    ・Persons with multiple roles and authorities involved in the purchasing process.

    ・Persons who are in charge of designing the products and services of competitors.

    ・Persons in charge of gathering information about products and services.

    Target size:
    quantitative research for a few to tens of employees, in-depth qualitative research such as OnetoOne.
  • The scope of industry and field

    B2B companies, IT technology companies, start-up companies, B2B service companies

  • Survey item (example)

    1.User demographic information: profile, industry, position, job description, etc

    2.User behavior patterns: information on specific tasks, steps, behavior patterns, priorities, how to use, frequency of use, importance, etc. when using the product or service

    3.Selection criteria: information such as deciding factors in selecting a product or service, evaluation criteria, comparison with competing products, etc

    4.Mental models: understanding, recognition, expectations, images, and so on of the product or service

    5.Information gathering behavior: information on the channels and tools used by users for information gathering and communication, as well as the types and formats of content preferred by users

    6.User insight: Information on benefits obtained as a result of using the product or service, effectiveness in solving problems, customer satisfaction, etc

    7.Information on the purchasing process, decision-making process, and the roles and influences of the people involved in the process

    8.information on issues, problems, needs, requirements, and desires of the users

  • Cost

    start at 300,000 yen
    *We will make a proposal according to your company's budget and requirements.
    Please use the "Inquiry Form" for more details.start at 300,000 yen
    *We will make a proposal according to your company's budget and requirements.
    Please use the "Inquiry Form" for more details.
