B2B Research

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Creating a list of new business
partners and business alliances

  • Overview

    We will solve your concerns such as you are seeking new clients but do not know which companies you should approach, or you are looking for a business partner but cannot find the appropriate company.
    We can create a list of companies in all industries and fields using our many years of human connections and research capabilities.

  • Target country

    Japan, U.S.A., India, Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, etc.), ASEAN (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.), Australia, Middle East, African countries, China, Taiwan, South America, Bangladesh

  • What we can solve

    1) We aim to create a list of target companies to increase new business partners.

    2) We aim to know in advance the needs and information of companies that may become a new client for us.

    3) We aim to know a list of companies that would carry our competitors' products and their sales situation.

    4) We need a list of companies that meet our needs as business partner.

  • Interview method and target peereson of interview

    Research methodology:
    telephone, remote, and in-person interviews.

    companies in all industries.
  • The scope of industry and field

    B2B companies, B2C companies, IT technology companies, startup companies, service industry

  • Survey item (example)

    1.Corporate Information

    2.Division where purchasing decisions are made, and their role

    3.Identification of the purchasing decision maker (or department)

    4.Names of products and services currently being in market

    5.Evaluation and problems with them(products, services, prices, after-sales service, etc.)

    6.Purchase cycle(e.g., when to consider next purchase)

    7.Evaluation and problems with each brand's (manufacturer's) products

    8.Requests for each manufacturer

  • Cost

    start at 300,000 yen
    *We will make a proposal according to your company's budget and requirements.
    Please use the "Inquiry Form" for more details.
