B2B Buyer Persona Research
B2B Buyer Persona research is aiming to understand about B2B buyers who would make a purchase decision for a B2B company to be able to manage their business more effectively. This is one of the research methods used to clarify the characteristics of the customer of the B2B buyers. In particular, we are able to help optimize sales strategies and effectively develop marketing activities for the company's products and services by creating buyer personas (virtual personas of buyers) based on the personas, customer backgrounds, behavioral patterns, needs, purchasing intentions, and decision-making processes with a focus on purchasing managers and other people in decision-making positions.
The difference between B2B buyer persona research
and B2B buyer journey research(Positioning)B2B buyer persona research and B2B buyer journey research are both useful research methods for building B2B marketing strategies, but they use different approaches.
B2B buyer persona research analyzes "buyer attributes," while B2B buyer journey research focuses on analyzing "buyer's (buyers') purchasing process".
B2B buyer persona research aims to create a buyer's image (buyer persona) by researching attributes, characteristics, behaviors, purchase decision process, and needs and challenges of B2B buyers of a certain target company. In order for a company to sell their products or services, it is necessary to understand the profile of buyers who are likely to purchase their products or services accurately. In other words the purpose is to understand the persona of the target customers who are likely to purchase their products or services.
On the other hand, B2B buyer journey research aims to understand the purchasing process for your or other company's products or services by B2B buyer of the target company. In other words the purpose is to understand the buyer's behavior and decision-making process leading up to the purchasing decision. -
Target country
Japan, U.S.A., India, Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, etc.), ASEAN (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.), Australia, Middle East, African countries, China, Taiwan, South America, Bangladesh
What we can solve
1) We aim to earn clear knowledge on the characteristics, backgrounds, behavior patterns, needs, intentions that go into the decision-making process of the B2B buyers and purchasing managers.
2) We aim to create a “Buyer Persona” (virtual persona of consumers) based on information gathered from above.
3) And furthermore, we aim to create a map of “Buyers Persona” to come up with strategic points for future action.
Interview method and target peereson of interview
Research methodology:
Interview, telephone, remote
・Corporate decision makers, purchasing managers, or employees involved in purchasing decisions, and others in charge of purchasing products and services
・Executive, purchasing decision makers, and purchasing managers
・Persons with multiple roles and authorities involved in the purchasing process
・Persons who are in charge of designing the products and services of competitors.
・Persons in charge of gathering information about products and services
Target size:
quantitative research for a few to tens of employees, in-depth qualitative research such as OnetoOne. -
The scope of industry and field
B2B companies, IT technology companies, start-up companies, B2B service companies
Survey item (example)
1.Roles and responsibilities of decision makers in the purchasing process
2.Purchasing process and decision-making process in purchasing products and services
3.Factors and priorities that affect decision-making in the purchasing process, and the decision criteria such as their values and approach
4.Roles and responsibilities in the purchasing process
5.Media and information sources that are used to gather and review information
6.Criteria and comparison points with competitors' products and services
7.Purchasing intentions, priorities, and schedule for the decision-making process
8.Challenges faced during the purchase process and measures to resolve them
9.Factors that affect customer satisfaction, repeat purchase intention, reviews and referrals
10.Understanding of personalities and lifestyles
11.Buyer persona mapping
start at 300,000
*We will make a proposal according to your company's budget and requirements.
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